Title transfers simple, accurate, and guaranteed

Our team has successfully transferred thousands of vacation rental and timeshare property titles. We have been in the business for over 10 years and have decades of experience on staff. We can partner with you for your agency's title transfers. Let us handle the difficult work of managing relationships and appropriate documentation for hundreds of resorts.

Welcome from Tyler H.

Thanks for considering a partnership with Switch It Back Office Solutions. I started the company years ago to service my own clients. We spent years developing system to efficiently track and process title transfers. We quickly realized the value in providing the back office support for title work and have formed many excitin partnerships over the years. We would be glad to talk about working together and helping you scale faster and serve more clients.


Valued partners

We would be glad to put you in touch with one of our valued partners for a reference. One of our premier partners is TST Consulting in Cancun, Mexico. Please contact us about becoming a premier partner.

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